推荐买球平台 Food Prize Finalist

    Botanical Rodent Control to Reduce Crop Loss.

    Botanical Rodent Control to Reduce Crop Loss

    “We think botanical rodenticides, combined with other ecologically-based methods, 能改变推荐几个足彩外围app星球上最弱势群体的可持续农业实践吗,” said Luwieke Bosma, Green Rodent Consortium, MetaMeta Research, 瓦赫宁根, The 荷兰.

    “老鼠是非洲农业的一个问题,大约四分之一的农作物(在田地和储存中)损失是由老鼠造成的。, and climate change has made more areas attractive to them,”博士补充道。. Meheretu 尤纳,埃塞俄比亚Mekelle大学啮齿动物研究中心. “They have also been somewhat of an invisible problem, both because they’re nocturnal and, because here in 埃塞俄比亚, there’s a cultural taboo in talking about them; they’re called ‘queens’ or ‘brides’ so as not to offend them and prompt their revenge. This is enormous and alarming, 特别是当意识到大多数农作物直接作为食物被家庭消费时.”

    Dr. 尤纳和Bosma是2021年决赛入围者之一 推荐买球平台 Prize for 创新 in Food Security, 它旨在支持能够在全球农业中产生变革性影响的科学研究. Awarded in partnership with Agropolis Fondation, 该奖项旨在表彰创新的科学研究项目对可用性的潜在影响, 可访问性, affordability and adequacy of food, in line with UN SDG#2: End Hunger. The winner will be announced this September and receive a US$75,000 grant for scaling up their proven research.

    “坦率地说, 起初,推荐几个足彩外围app对农民的说法持怀疑态度,推荐几个足彩外围app担心老鼠不会吃植物药. 但经过几周的测试,推荐几个足彩外围app看到的结果让推荐几个足彩外围app惊叹不已。, 实验区大鼠活动明显减少,鼠洞/通道数量也明显减少. 如果你考虑到一只老鼠平均每周消耗35克谷物,它可以污染多达10倍的数量, 阻止数以百计的蝗虫可以对农业生产力和盈利能力产生巨大的积极影响.”

    Bosma added: “We based our approach on farmers’ traditional practices, 它们使用某些块茎和植物来阻止啮齿动物并堵塞它们的洞穴,”医生说。. 尤纳. “农民们推荐了四种植物,经过测试,它们都显示出有效. A lot of experimental research both in the lab and field followed, 推荐几个足彩外围app寻求完美的混合,以达到两种植物的混合物,提供最有效的潜力. “

    该团队的目标是提高营养食品的可获得性和价格, and strengthen farmer productivity, profitability and resilience.

    “本地种植的植物灭鼠剂更具可持续性和可负担性, and our model for ‘how to’ devise such solutions, including training on R&D setting up programmess, 可以用来与其他国家的其他工厂探讨解决方案吗,” Dr. 尤纳说.

    “In only two years’ time, rodent outbreaks were brought under control, so the potential for scale is very promising,Bosma补充道.

    如果您想了解更多关于这个项目或参与,请联系Luwieke Bosma或Dr. Meheretu 尤纳 below.


    Piet van Asten
    Piet van Asten 推荐买球平台咖啡可持续生产系统负责人,2021年推荐买球平台食品奖评审团成员

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